Thursday, June 28, 2012

Big Boy Room Flea Market Finds

I am in the VERY preliminary stages of preparing for the kiddos "big kid rooms".  
I cannot even tell you how excited I am about decorating their rooms!  Up to this point they 
have all been in the same room so the decor had to be very neutral and non-gender specific.  
I am so thrilled about having the opportunity to now decorate a boy room and a 
girly room!  I have actually had the bedding for all three of their "big" beds for 
over a year now.  I found them all at Pottery Barn Kids on Clearance so they 
have been in storage up until this point.

I am in the process of cleaning out the guest bedroom to soon be the girl's room.
Since our house lacks much storage that room has been a catch-all junk room for the past 
three years so it's taking a while to get it cleaned out.  Once that's done, we will move the 
existing bed to Maddux's room (the room that they are currently all three in)
and then we'll set up the girl's twin beds in there.  

This past weekend my mom and I went to the Nashville Flea Market (my favorite
thing to do!) and I found some cute things for Maddux's room!

First, here is the bedding that he will be using...a Hawaiian/Surf theme: 

This is something else that I've had for quite some time.  
I found it at this Etsy shop:

I picked up a bunch of old license plates.  I'm not exactly sure what I'm 
going to do with them, but I'm thinking a gallery wall? Or maybe
mount them on some old wood???

And I just fell in love with these!  They are vintage language flash 
cards from the 1960's!  I plan on framing them...
(sorry this pic turned on it's computer is not behaving today!)

He will be using an old iron bed that has been in my husband's family for years
as well as some other hand-me-down pieces of furniture.  
I can hardly wait!  Now, what I can't wait for is them now being
able to get out of bed and scare the daylights out of me in the middle of the night!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I LOVE all those finds...especially the vintage flash cards, those are divine!!

    Can't wait to see the rest!


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