Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Foyer Free-Design

So, in keeping up with my desire to spruce up the house, I decided that our foyer was too dark (a big problem with my house that I'm trying to resolve) and needed a small change as well.

This painting has been hanging in the foyer since we moved in. I like the painting, but honestly, it was too big for the table as it was actually longer than the table, and the frame was just too formal. Sorry, I didn't get a picture of it hanging there before I took it down!

Last week we replaced the painting with this mirror that was actually over the mantle. I love how it reflects more light into the space and really helped to brighten up the area. But, I still wasn't in love with the accessories that were on the table.

Recently, my grandmother passed away and I was given one of her bibles that she had treasured for years. I am honored to have it and I wanted it out on display somewhere. Since my children are still at a very curious age, I put the bible under the lamp to not only give the lamp some height but also keep the precious bible safe from little hands who love to rip paper into shreds. The orchid was also a keepsake from her funeral. Purple was her favorite color. I've never had an orchid so I hope that I can keep it alive! I love the color that it brings to the space. I also changed out the lamp. This lamp was in our bedroom and I love how the chrome base and white shade also lighten up everything. The drop-leaf table has been in my husband's family for generations. A keeper for sure!

So, not a very exciting life altering makeover, but it was all done for FREE! Gotta love that!

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