Friday, August 19, 2011

Fun Finds

Happy Friday, y'all! I thought I'd share some of the things that I have found for the home lately for Operation Spruce Up and Add Color!

First of all, my living room mini-makeover is at a complete stand still. One of the main things that I need (hear me, neeeeeeed? haa!) is a lighter colored chair to set beside the fireplace. Currently I have a black wicker chair and it's not doing anything for the space. My designer friend Shelli suggested a linen colored chair. I've looked and looked and can't seem to find one on my shoestring budget. Plus, I'm worried that a linen chair would not be triplet friendly so I'm open to a chair with a pattern. I found this cute chair while at my weekly stalk to Homegoods...but I'm not it really cute, or am I settling? The colors are perfect, just not sure if I would get bored with this pattern? Opinions please!!!!
I found this happy little dish towel at World Market for under $4!

For some reason I have always wanted a fun, bright colander. Is that weird? I found this turq-waz one at Pier 1 and just knew I had to have it! Since my kitchen and living room are completely open to one another and I've been adding turquoise accessories to the living room it was a must and now sits atop the fridge along with a Pottery Barn serving tray that I found on clearance eons ago and a vintage cake carrier that my mom got for me.

Lookie at this cute little silver vase that I found at Tuesday Mornin' for $9! I absolutely love it!

I was completely tired of the "pile". You know the one. Chances are, you have one too. You know, the pile of mail, keys, sunglasses, cell phones, etc. Ours is always on our kitchen counter and constantly in the way. I cleared off this little section of counter space and designated this area for the pile. This little sectioned doodad from Pier 1 keeps it all organized with compartments for the phones, keys, mail, notepads and pens. So much better than a 'pile'!!!
Y'all have a great weekend!!!!

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