Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Master Bedroom Target Love!

As I've learned since I started stalking, er, reading some of my favorite design blogs, little things can make a big impact. I have picked up tons of ideas and inspiration for my own home and one of the things that I became instantly in love with were sunburst mirrors. I've actually always loved the look of them, even as a kid, and now that they are everywhere I knew that I wanted one or five for the house! I purchased a large one for the space above the mantle that I am absolutely in love with. I still wanted another one for our bedroom to hang above the bed, but I shot my wad on the one for the mantle. Thankfully, good ol' Target came through for me! I found this lil cutie for $24.99! I LOVE how it draws your eye up over the bed and helps the windows not look so crazy tall. That empty space above the bed was just begging some attention and I love the results!

Yesterday the kiddos and I went on yet another trip to Target for diapers (at least that is my excuse!). Of course, while we were there I just had to swing by the pillow department. I had my eye on a certain pillow, but they were sold out. Thankfully, this round pillow by Dwell Studio for Target was sitting there staring at me and begged me to take him home. I felt sorry for him so I bought him. He's so happy on our bed!!!! I actually like him so much better than the first pillow that I had my eye on!
So, for just over fifty bucks I feel like I have a new bedroom! Score! Thanks Target!!! Love ya!!!

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