Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Birthday Fiesta!

I cannot believe it.  Today my sweet "babies" are turning 3!  Three years ago today was the scariest day of my entire life that was full of fear and uncertainty.  I was only 27 weeks pregnant with my triplets and was told that they were going to have to be delivered that day due to a blood clot in one of the baby's placentas. The doctors went over all of the risks and possible complications that preemies that early could face.  If we didn't deliver them right away we could risk losing the baby with the blood clot and possibly all three.  We knew that we had to deliver them so with all of our parents and step-parents waiting, we went into the OR for the delivery.  Nola was first, weighing in at 1 lb 12 oz, Maddux was second at 1 lb 14 oz., and little Luce (the one with the blood clot) was born last weighing a teeny tiny 1 lb 10 oz.  We spent a total of 76 days in the NICU with our tiny babies watching them struggle and fight to breath.  We watched them grow one ounce at a time and experienced a life roller coaster that we never could have imagined but one that I wouldn't change for the world.  I have a true appreciation for life and I don't take a single moment with my sweet babies for granted.  So, let me bring you up to speed and show you pictures from their 3rd birthday celebration!  This was their first "real" birthday party since their first two birthdays fell during RSV season and due to their low birth weight we had to keep them away from the outside world.  Ever since I found out I was pregnant with triplets they were affectionately nicknamed the "Three Amigos" so we thought a fun theme for the birthday party would be "The Three Amigos Turn 3!"

We had tiny sombreros and mustaches for the party guests:

My husbands aunt made this awesome balloon cactus!

Nola in her mustache...even her beloved "Duckie" has a mustache!

Luce's smile takes my breath away:

My sweet boy, Maddux

Not only was this cake gorgeous, it was DELICIOUS!  Pure chocolate fudge decadence.  This cake weighed like 20 pounds!  

We sang "Happy Birthday" to each child and let them each blow out their own candles

Our best attempt at a pic with all three and their cake

All in all, it was a perfect birthday fiesta complete with a Mexican feast, chocolate fudge cake, gourmet Mexican popsicles, a pinata and mariachi music.  
I'm one blessed momma!!!! 

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