Monday, January 23, 2012

More Valentine Touches!

I had so much fun making my Valentine Wreath, that I decided to follow
my Pinterest inspiration and also make a topiary using the same technique.
I had plenty of red felt left over from the wreath, my mom found the 
foam ball for 75 cents at a thrift shop
and I already had the milk glass compote
so this entire project was less than a buck!  

Just as suggested in my inspiration tutorial, I only covered the top and sides 
of the foam ball so that it fits perfectly in the container.

I added some red artwork to the table as well as 
a George Rodrigue Blue Dog coffee table book that was the perfect
shade of red.  (We're a big fan of his!  In fact, if you look closely, in the mirror
you can see a glimpse of the hallway leading up to the bonus room with a 
series of Blue Dog prints hanging on the wall.  He's just so stinking cute!)

(the trunk has no purpose for being under the table other than the fact that we had
nowhere else to put it!)

Other than a few little store bought Valentine decorations and hand towels
for the kid's bathroom, I think I'm done with decorating for Valentine's Day.  That is, until 
I find some super cute idea on Pinterest that I simply must try!!!  
What about you?   Are you constantly inspired to try ideas/recipes that you find on Pinterest?
Speaking of, I recently made a Ritz Cracker Chicken casserole recipe that I found on there....OMGeeee, SINFULLY GOOD!  


  1. Oh, this is great and I love how it plays off the wreath out front. Great job!


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