Friday, March 9, 2012

Family Room: A tiny sneak peek!

Happy Friday, y'all!

Well, I'm making progress on my family room!  
Yesterday my mom came over with her sewing machine in tow and we made SIX 
new bright and cheery pillows for the room!!!  She gets all of the credit for her mad sewing skills.
I was just her trusty assistant (however, after observing, I am very
curious about giving it a go myself!).  But, we did it!!!  I'm so proud of us!  Ha!

We had a few little snafus, but we just rolled with it and made the
best of it, and it all worked out in the end!  (Details on that later!)

I'm hoping to tackle a few more of the projects planned for this room
over the weekend, but for now I will give you
a sneak peek of one of the pillows that we made.

This one was made out of a kitchen towel that was on clearance for $2 at Target!
Ain't it cute!!!   

Y'all have an amazing weekend!!!!  

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