Monday, March 5, 2012

The Family Room Is Getting Some Love!

The main hub of our home is the bonus room/playroom.  Let's face it, it's mostly a playroom
as all of the kids toys are in there and it's where we spend the bulk of our time.  
But, it is also where the hubby and I end each day watching
TV and relaxing.  

Back in December I organized all of the toys with my massive shelving unit (you 
can read all about that process here) which has made a huge 
improvement by keeping all of the toys organized. 
But, the room just isn't flowing for me.  

Here is where the room doesn't make sense.  We have this 
very formal painting hanging above one of the couches.  I love this painting
but it doesn't really scream "playroom" does it?
What I would LOVE is a way to display the kid's artwork.
I have found the perfect solution at Ikea but sadly, the closest
store to me is in Atlanta which is a four hour drive.  I am thinking about DIYing my
own solution.  We'll see...

I found this subway art wall decal at Hobby Lobby (50% off).  I just love 
the "Family Rules" as I feel like I repeat everything 
that it says no less than 508 times a day...("play nice", "share your toys", "love one another").
I have a plan in my head to make the decal not look like a decal so 
I'll let you know how that turns out!

Here's the little trio watching cartoons.  To the right you can 
see the computer area.  It's still gated off...too much costly
equipment for them to destroy!  

There is not really anything wrong with these posters.  But, I can 
totally visualize a gallery wall full of family photos there.  
My goal is to make this the "family room", not just 
the bonus room or playroom.

We also need to rehang the curtains.  When the kids were much smaller they loved
to pull and tug on the curtains and eventually they pulled the 
hardware out from the wall.  They've been "dangling" there for months!

The room is working just fine, but I really want it to be fun, playful and colorful. 

Yesterday my mom and I went to Joann's and I found these really
fun and colorful fabrics.  Plus they are indoor/outdoor fabrics which would
be ideal and kid-proof.  

My mom has a sewing machine but she's fairly new at sewing.  In fact, I don't think 
she has EVER made a pillow.  But, we are going to 
wing it and attempt to recover my existing pillows with 
the new fun fabrics!  
Wish us luck!

So, here's the to-do list for this room:

Rehang curtains

Make new pillow covers with bright, fun fabric

DIY children artwork display?

Hang Gallery Wall of photos

"frame" subway art

What do you think?  Any suggestions for the room?
I'll keep you updated on the progress!


  1. I love your ideas so far; those bright cushions will really brighten up the room and a fun gallery wall will add a whimsical touch. Some neutral curtains with a bright coloured border might be pretty? Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  2. Great ideas! I'm sure it's going to look great when it is all done!

  3. love the fabric you got for the cushions.. do you know whats it called?? thanks, liz


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