Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Keepin' It Real.

While I do believe I have made some major headway in my quest to 
organize my home with the closet, fridge and pantry re-do's, 
it seems that with every project I move one
step forward and eight steps back.  

I give you Exhibit A:

This is located in our master bedroom and it ain't
pretty to wake up to this site every morning.  
 It is supposed to be a sitting area
but we brought in the desk and it was going to be my
designated painting and craft area, my own little getaway.

I have yet to paint there and it's clear to see why!

This house lacks storage and closets.  So often, when I clean one room items 
get dispersed throughout the home to another room and eventually
we end up with piles like this.  

I have very limited time to work on these types of projects since the kiddos
are home with me on most days (they will be with
me every day next week due to spring break.  Lord help me.).

So, just keepin' it real for y'all today!  
Needless to say, I always have my work cut out
for me around here!  

(And please tell me I'm not the only one with areas like this!)
(And please don't submit this photo to the producers of Hoarders)


  1. I know how you feel with piles like this. We have NO storage closets in our house. My husband keeps trying to store things in our daughters closet since she isn't here yet, and to keep him from doing it I have to find a place to stick it around the house. :/ It started off making the place look lived in, but now it just looks like our old rooms threw up in the house and spewed all our old things everywhere. I hate it!!

    And your in my prayers during spring break. :)


  2. So many areas like this. I think every room in my house has some type of ugly pile in it as well. Drives me bananas but it's real life!


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